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Children's Hearings
Children who are considered by the Authorities to be at risk in one of a number of ways are often the subject of a Referral to the Children’s Reporter. The intention is to allow the Social Work Department and other Public Services to become involved in the child and the family of the child on a formal statutory basis.
If the reasons for a Referral to the Children’s Reporter are either accepted or established by the Sheriff the Children’s Panel, who are lay members, can impose a Compulsory Supervision Order regulating aspects of the child’s care, including where they stay.
Many cases come before the Children’s Panel as a consequence of alleged failings on the part of the parents to adequately care for their children. Children can be referred for a large number of other reasons, including where they themselves have allegedly committed offences.
Where the background reasons for Referral are in dispute by the parents or the child, these Grounds are sent to the Sheriff Court for Proof.
We represent both parents and children before the Children’s Hearing System and the Sheriff Court. We can also provide advice and representation in respect of appealing decisions of Children’s Hearings.